What if you could grow better tasting vegetables while knowing that your efforts are helping to slow down the rate of reaching capacity at your local landfill and contributing to a healthier Chesapeake Bay? What if you could report that your local business has reduced its waste footprint and increased its corporate sustainability practices? 在mg冰球突破豪华版试玩网站,这些胜利是可能的.

一年前, Freestate农场 had a ribbon-cutting ceremony to open their new state-of-the-art aerated composting facility on Balls Ford Road in Manassas. It is one of the only facilities of its kind in the region; in fact, 在美国很少有.

Freestate农场 transforms food and yard waste from cities, 企业, 和个体变成高质量的堆肥, 可再生能源, 有机农产品. 其好处是增加了土壤健康和生产力, 减少用水和污染, 尽量减少温室气体排放, 更可持续的社区.

mg冰球突破豪华版试玩网站非住宅企业应 完成他们的垃圾或回收年度调查 10月15日,星期五. 这是一个理想的时间来思考你的许多方式, 你的社区, or your business might be able to compost food and yard waste from your home or business.

如果你是mg冰球突破豪华版试玩网站的居民或企业, 你可以免费提供堆肥材料, 包括庭院废物, which can be dropped off at the Balls Ford Road composting facility and the Dumfries Road landfill location. Freestate农场 composts food waste at their Balls Ford Road location.

"Our public-private partnership with Prince William County provides a long-term solution for food and yard waste recycling in our community,道格拉斯·罗斯说, 自由农场的首席执行官. “让这种材料远离垃圾填埋场, 我们正在减少温室气体排放, 延长垃圾填埋场的使用寿命, and returning the nutrients from the food and yard debris back to our local soils.”

他们的新设施转移了大约80人,000 tons of waste from local landfills and incinerators each year. During the the busy spring and fall months, that can equal up from 20 to 40 dump truck loads per day! The county estimates that this diversion will extend the life of the landfill by approximately 10 to 15 years.

“For many years, the United States shipped a lot of its waste to overseas landfills. 因为这已经变得越来越困难了, it creates opportunities for regions and communities to find better and more sustainable ways to manage their waste,理查德·里德尔说, Freestate农场的市场总监. “It’s great that Prince William County took the initiative to create a public-private partnership that enables our area to recycle food and yard waste on such a large scale.”

使用最新技术, including temperature probes and real-time air flow adjustments to maintain an ideal composting environment, Freestate农场 is able to compost nearly triple the amount of food and yard waste than the facility was able to do previously. The new facility processes compost in 60 to 75 days while the older process—placing material in long windrows—took six to nine months and used more space.


Freestate农场的堆肥, 塑料薄膜, and top soils are crafted using recycled food and yard waste, providing the immediate and long-term nutrients that plants need. 你可以在你的花坛上使用他们的产品, 菜园, 还有草坪,让它们长得更快, 更健康,, 对于某些类型的蔬菜, 更大更美味.

Here is a list of some things that you could do to become more sustainable and some considerations to keep in mind:


  • Place a food scraps container in your business’s kitchen or break area and empty each (or every other) day into a covered, 放在垃圾桶旁边的5加仑桶. The covered bucket prevents smells and pests; larger options are available too.
  • Recycle your food scraps at the Balls Ford Road composting location or hire a company like Apex Organics or Compost Crew to pick them up. 个人, 公司, and municipalities can show up at Freestate农场 co-locations—Balls Ford Road or the county landfill—to drop off their organic waste, 该县居民和企业免费使用.
  • 旧的习惯, such as just automatically throwing food scraps into the trash, 很难打破, 但是说到堆肥, 你可以从小处开始,然后逐步扩大.
  • 记住:“如果它成长了,那么它就消失了。!“这是 这是一张很好的海报,告诉我们什么可以堆肥,什么不能堆肥.


  • 堆肥在水中的重量是其重量的20倍. This means you have to water less frequently, saving yourself time and money. 这也意味着它有助于防止土壤侵蚀.
  • Additionally, it’s great with helping any erosion spots around your home or business.
  • 堆肥有助于过滤污染物, such as oils from roadways and driveways that are washed off with rain, so the water flowing back to the Chesapeake Bay is cleaner.
  • The vegetables grown using compost are bigger and more flavorful because of the nutrients in the aerated soil.

顾客可以在网上商店购买, 接收批量订单的交付, 走进任何一个地方, 捡起堆肥, 表层土, 或塑料薄膜.

“任何规模的企业都能参与进来,这很棒. Whether you’re collecting food scraps at your restaurant, 在休息室, 或者在咖啡机附近, there is an opportunity to help improve our community’s sustainability,里德尔说. “个人 can start to compost their food scraps and yard waste to contribute as well.”

Freestate农场 has great plans as they move into Phase II. “随着第二阶段的建设, we will further expand our capacity to recycle food and yard waste, 种植本地农产品, 产生可再生能源,罗斯说。. “This will allow us to truly bring things full circle—recycling food scraps, 将这些养分归还给土壤, 然后用这些土壤种植健康的农产品. We are excited that individuals and 企业 will be able to participate in each of those stages.”

Start exploring what you can do to make a difference in your local environment by exploring the facility, 产品, 你在自己的社区里就能享受到的服务.


网站: http://www.freestatefarmsva.com

Composting and headquarters located at 13012 Balls Ford Road, Manassas, VA 20109

County landfill facility located at 14811 Dumfries Road, Manassas, VA 20122

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